Current Activities: Widespread wetting rains were received through much of the region, the weather station at Gates Park recorded 0.18 inches of precipitation over the past 24 hours. Fire behavior is moderate due to high relative humidities and precipitation; the Gates Park fire personnel are reporting continued smoldering in heavy fuels. Due to flying conditions, last infrared flight was conducted on July 28th and reported size at 8631 acres. A structure protection plan has been completed. Fire personnel at Gates Park along with Beartop Lookout are monitoring current activities. In addition there is a Type 3 helicopter stationed at the Choteau Airport to support fire management. Two smoke monitors are in service to monitor this region: one at Ear Mountain and one in Augusta. Reports are available on-line; please go to and “Related Incident Links.” This week’s recording trended all within the “Good” Health Effect Categories in the breakpoints...